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Dear Friend,

This year we are planning our eleventh Christmas outreach in Asia. During this holiday season, Christmas gifts will be distributed to children who are a part of many of our Hope for Children homes that we have built over the past 10 years, as well as distributed to children in rescue homes that we support on a regular basis. This outreach is a great way for us to share the love of Christ in a practical way and be a blessing to 2,000 children in India, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. Will you help us bring Christmas to Asia?

Each gift bag costs $10 and includes toys and practical items needed and requested by the children based on their living situation.

$10 supplies a gift bag for 1 child
$100 supplies gift bags for 10 children
$500 supplies gift bags for 50 children

Total budget needed: $20,000

(2,000 gifts at $10 each)

Gift bags for 2,000 Children

700 children in India
1,000 children in Cambodia
200 children in Thailand
100 children in Myanmar

Help us make a difference in the life of a child this holiday season! You can be a part by making a note in your giving that says, “Christmas in Asia.”


For the Harvest,

Sarah Wehrli

Sarah Wehrli

Author Sarah Wehrli

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