Dear Friends,
In the last three months our world has changed significantly due to the Covid-19 crisis, and many countries around the world are facing huge challenges economically and socially. These difficulties are especially hard on small children and elderly people in most of the third world and developing nations that we work in on a regular basis. However, it is in times like this that as followers of Jesus we must continue being the hands and the feet of Jesus to those in need.
We have determined as a ministry to continue our support to those we work with, and we are also increasing projects in rural areas where children and families are suffering the most. We are currently supporting ministries and have ongoing projects in Myanmar, Mozambique, Cambodia, Thailand and India. Many of these ministry partners are on the front lines of this global crisis and are reaching the most vulnerable and impoverished people in each region.

During the month of March, we were able to complete sixteen new water wells in rural villages in Cambodia, and we are still on target to complete our 100th water well in Cambodia.
In the month of April, we started a Covid-19 village outreach project that distributed 2800 meals and supplies to over 400 families. These local villagers are struggling to find food during this Global Pandemic. One testimony we heard was from a Buddhist Government leader who said “Thank you very much for helping our people. We encouraged all our people to be grateful to Jesus and to the local Christian ministries who are blessing them.” In fact, our local pastor in Cambodia said, “Many people received the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus because of this outreach!”

For the month of May we conducted 10 more Covid-19 village outreach projects in Cambodia, and through these outreaches we were able to reach over 4,000 Buddhist people with food and supplies. At each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and each person received prayer and had an opportunity to accept Jesus into their life. We are thankful for all of friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality. It’s making an eternal difference!

We ask that you join us in prayer over these next few months as we are planning for 40 additional village outreaches across Cambodia to distribute food and supplies to those in need. In each of these villages there are an average of 400 people, so through your prayer and partnership we can reach 15,000- 20,000 people with meals and The Gospel!

During each of these outreaches our local teams are able to pray with each person and share a clear Gospel presentation to each family. The total cost for each village outreach is $3,000 and we are believing to reach as many people as possible over the next several months.
We thank God for faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!
We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!
For the Harvest,