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Dear Friends,

Our world drastically changed in a matter of a few weeks in March 2020. An invisible pathogen known as COVID-19 rapidly transformed our planet.  The results of this global pandemic left our world looking for solutions to some significant challenges. Yet as believers we know that the answer to every challenge is still found in the person of Christ and in demonstrating His love to a lost and hurting world.

Over the last 10 years we have increased our ministry work across Cambodia through a variety of ministry outreaches like our annual Christmas project and many other humanitarian initiatives, but no one could have predicted the extreme lock down and ensuing economic challenge that would come from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This crisis has been especially hard on small children and elderly people in most of the third world and developing nations of South East Asia, but especially in Cambodia.  However, it is in times like this that we as followers of Jesus must continue being the hands and feed of Jesus to those in need.

Thank you for your partnership with the ministry of Inspire International.  Through your prayers and support we are able to continue reaching people across Cambodia!

During the month of August, we conducted 10 more village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia. Through these projects, we reached over 1,000 families with food and supplies and at each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus! We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who helped make these outreaches a reality.

Cambodia is a predominantly Buddhist country (98%) that has experienced years of political corruption, social challenges, and economic poverty.  The average person in Cambodia earns about $50-100 a month for an entire family.  This problem of poverty has led to huge problems in human trafficking, child exploitation, and serious health challenges.  This is one of the reasons that we have been working to build children’s homes, dig water wells, provide leadership training for pastors, and supplying food to those in need.  However, in spite of all the setbacks and difficulties, Cambodia is positioned for a great surge of revival and growth in the days ahead.

We ask that you join us in prayer over the next few months as we continue these village outreaches across Cambodia, and also as we prepare for our annual Christmas in Asia outreach this November.

The total cost for each village outreach is $3,000 and we are believing to reach as many people as possible during this time of crisis.  Now is our time to reach this country while people’s hearts are open, and they are desperately looking for hope.

We are grateful for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

Sarah Wehrli

Author Sarah Wehrli

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