Dear Friends,
Thank you for your partnership with the ministry of Inspire International. Through your prayers and support, we are reaching people every month with the message of Christ around the world. As we reflect back on our recent outreaches, we are grateful for the generosity of all our Inspire ministry partners.
During the month of October, we conducted 10 more village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia. Through these projects, we reached over 1,000 families with food and supplies, and at each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus. We have also partnered with a missionary couple in Bolivia who are helping bring supplies and relief to families who are in need during this difficult economic season in South America. We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality. It’s making an eternal difference!
Our hearts are filled with joy for all that has happened in the last few months, but we are looking forward to the upcoming outreaches during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. We pray these testimonies and the pictures in this report encourage you. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together, we are making a difference!
Cambodia Update
We provided food and supplies to 1,046 families in 38 different villages during the month of October, and 634 people responded to receive Jesus.

Bolivia Update
During the month of October, we helped over 60 families with food and supplies, and all of them received prayer and heard a Gospel presentation.

We ask that you join us in prayer over these last two months of 2020 as we are planning for 20 additional village outreaches across Cambodia as well as our 12th annual Christmas Outreach. We are believing to distribute over 3,000 gift bags to help children who are at risk or have been abandoned, and we want to give them hope this holiday season. Each gift bag is $10 and will be distributed by our local contacts in each country. We are making plans to distribute gifts in: Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, and Bolivia.
We thank God for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!
For the Harvest,