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April Update

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Dear Friends,

During the month of March, we conducted 10 village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia and completed 9 village water wells.  Through these projects, we reached over 1,000 families with food and supplies, and at each of these outreaches, there was a Gospel presentation and 510 people responded and prayed to receive salvation.  We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality. It’s making an eternal difference!

We are believing for all of the resources each month to reach this year’s goal of feeding 100 Villages and digging 100 Water Wells in rural parts of Cambodia by December 2021!

We pray these testimonies and the pictures in this report encourage you. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

Cambodia COVID-19 Relief Projects

We provided food and supplies to 1,013 families in 10 different villages during the month of March, and 510 people responded to receive Jesus. We are on target to feed 100 villages this year!

Cambodia Water Wells

During the month of March we completed 9 additional water wells in rural villages, and we are believing to dig 100 water wells across Cambodia during 2021.

We ask that you join us in prayer over these next few months as we take steps toward our 2021 goal to feed 100 villages and dig 100 water wells in rural parts of Cambodia!  Each village has an average of 400 people and we can supply food for $3,000 per village.  In addition to the feeding programs in the villages we can provide clean water for an entire village by digging a well for $2,000 each Please pray with us as we continue each month supporting ministries, children’s homes, and outreaches in CambodiaThailandMyanmarIndia, and Bolivia.

We thank God for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

March Update

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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your partnership with the ministry of Inspire International. Through your prayers and support, we are reaching people every month with the message of Christ around the world. As we reflect back on our recent outreaches, we are grateful for the generosity of all our Inspire ministry partners.

During the first two months of 2021, we have conducted 20 village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia, and we are continuing to dig more water wells each month.  Through these projects, we reached over 2,000 families with food and supplies, and at each of these outreaches, there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus. We are also continuing to partner with a missionary couple in Bolivia who are helping bring supplies and relief to families who are in need during this difficult economic season in South America We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality. It’s making an eternal difference!

Our hearts are filled with joy for all that has happened in the last few months, but we are excited for this year’s goal of feeding 100 Villages and digging 100 Water Wells in rural parts of Cambodia.  We have started the year strong, and with your support, we are on target to complete this goal by December 2021!

We pray these testimonies and the pictures in this report encourage you. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together, we are making a difference!

Cambodia COVID-19 Relief Projects

We provided food and supplies to 2,148 families in 20 different villages during January and February, and 1,139 people responded to receive Jesus. We are on target to feed 100 villages this year!

Cambodia Water Wells

During the months of January and February we completed 18 water wells in rural villages, and we are believing to dig 100 water wells across Cambodia during 2021.

We ask that you join us in prayer over these next few months as we continue to feed 100 villages and dig 100 water wells in rural parts of Cambodia!  Each village has an average of 400 people and we can supply food for $3,000 per village.  In addition to the feeding programs in the villages we can provide clean water for an entire village by digging a well for $2,000 each Please pray with us as we continue each month supporting ministries, children’s homes, and outreaches in CambodiaThailandMyanmarIndia, and Bolivia.

We thank God for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

Help us Feed 100 Villages

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Dear Friends,

We are celebrating the completion of 100+ water wells being built over the past 11 years in over 100 rural villages in Cambodia where they didn’t have access to clean drinking water!

In each village, the pastors we are working with are planting churches along with each water well so they are getting natural water and the LIVING water of Jesus!

This year our goal is to build another 100 water wells and you can be apart! The cost of each well is $2,000.

Since May of 2020, we have supplied food for 81 villages across Cambodia through our Covid-19 Village projects. In each village, an average of 400 people were reached and heard a Gospel message.

This year we are believing to feed 100 villages in rural parts of Cambodia. It is only $3,000 to sponsor an entire village where people will receive food and hear about Jesus.

Will you prayerfully consider helping us with this 2021 vision of “Feed 100 Villages and Dig 100 Wells”? Through these outreaches, we will be able to present the Gospel to over 50,000 people in this predominantly Buddhist nation. We believe that through these projects, many people are going to accept Christ across Cambodia in 2021.

We thank God for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the globe.  We realize we cannot do this alone, but TOGETHER we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

November Update

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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your partnership with the ministry of Inspire International.  Through your prayers and support, we are reaching people every month with the message of Christ around the world.  As we reflect back on our recent outreaches, we are grateful for the generosity of all our Inspire ministry partners.

During the month of October, we conducted 10 more village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia. Through these projects, we reached over 1,000 families with food and supplies, and at each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus. We have also partnered with a missionary couple in Bolivia who are helping bring supplies and relief to families who are in need during this difficult economic season in South America.  We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality.  It’s making an eternal difference!

Our hearts are filled with joy for all that has happened in the last few months, but we are looking forward to the upcoming outreaches during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.  We pray these testimonies and the pictures in this report encourage you.  We realize we cannot do this alone, but together, we are making a difference!

Cambodia Update

We provided food and supplies to 1,046 families in 38 different villages during the month of October, and 634 people responded to receive Jesus. 

Bolivia Update

During the month of October, we helped over 60 families with food and supplies, and all of them received prayer and heard a Gospel presentation. 

We ask that you join us in prayer over these last two months of 2020 as we are planning for 20 additional village outreaches across Cambodia as well as our 12th annual Christmas Outreach.  We are believing to distribute over 3,000 gift bags to help children who are at risk or have been abandoned, and we want to give them hope this holiday season.  Each gift bag is $10 and will be distributed by our local contacts in each country.  We are making plans to distribute gifts in: CambodiaThailandMyanmarIndia, and Bolivia.

We thank God for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

October Update

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Dear Friends,

Over the past 6 months, we have seen unprecedented changes take place in our world, but the mandate of Christ has never been clearer.  We are still called to reach those that are lost, help those that are hurting, and bring freedom to those that are in bondage.  Now more than ever, we are called to be the hands and the feet of Jesus to help those in need and bring healing to the brokenhearted.

In looking back at all of the projects and initiatives we’ve been able to help with during this global pandemic, we can truly say, “God is Faithful!”  It is such a joy to share with you some of the wonderful things God is doing around the world in places like CambodiaBoliviaThailandIndiaMozambique, and Myanmar.

Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work in you, HE will be faithful to complete it…”.  This is a great reminder that we can put our confidence in God, and he will finish things He started in our lives!

Personally, we have seen the fruit of this scripture in our own lives and ministry over the course of this year, and we believe the best is yet to come as we finish out 2020!

As you read this report and see these pictures, we pray you are encouraged by these ministry updates that are taking place around the globe.  We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we can make a difference! 

Cambodia Update

During the month of September, we conducted 10 village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia.  Through these projects, we reached over 1,000families with food and supplies and at each of these outreaches, there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus!  We have now completed 51 village outreaches across Cambodia with food supplies and have shared the Good News of Jesus with each person!

Myanmar Update

We are excited to share some of the progress of a children’s home we helped build in Myanmar for 38 children who had been orphaned or were at risk.  The new building contains a multipurpose room for the children, a kitchen and cafeteria as well as dorm rooms for some of the boys.  Myanmar is one of the countries we have been working in and partnering with local ministries over the last 10 years.  God has great plans for the people of Myanmar!

Bolivia Update

In August and September, we started supporting a ministry that is doing aCovid-19 relief project in the country of Bolivia.  Through this partnership with local missionaries and pastors, we have been able to provide food and supplies to over 150 families and bring the Gospel of Jesus house to house Many people in this region have been without work since March so these outreaches were timely and much needed!  The local team has been able to pray with each family as well as provided Bible materials & medicine to those in need.  Thank you for helping us bring hope and help to the people of Bolivia!

We ask that you join us in prayer over the next few months as we continue reaching out in MyanmarThailandCambodiaMozambiqueBolivia, and India.  We are also making plans for our annual Christmas in Asia outreach during November and December and we need your support! 

We are grateful for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

September Update: Cambodia COVID-19 Relief Projects

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Dear Friends,

Our world drastically changed in a matter of a few weeks in March 2020. An invisible pathogen known as COVID-19 rapidly transformed our planet.  The results of this global pandemic left our world looking for solutions to some significant challenges. Yet as believers we know that the answer to every challenge is still found in the person of Christ and in demonstrating His love to a lost and hurting world.

Over the last 10 years we have increased our ministry work across Cambodia through a variety of ministry outreaches like our annual Christmas project and many other humanitarian initiatives, but no one could have predicted the extreme lock down and ensuing economic challenge that would come from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This crisis has been especially hard on small children and elderly people in most of the third world and developing nations of South East Asia, but especially in Cambodia.  However, it is in times like this that we as followers of Jesus must continue being the hands and feed of Jesus to those in need.

Thank you for your partnership with the ministry of Inspire International.  Through your prayers and support we are able to continue reaching people across Cambodia!

During the month of August, we conducted 10 more village outreaches in rural areas of Cambodia. Through these projects, we reached over 1,000 families with food and supplies and at each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and hundreds of people prayed to receive Jesus! We are thankful for all of our friends and partners who helped make these outreaches a reality.

Cambodia is a predominantly Buddhist country (98%) that has experienced years of political corruption, social challenges, and economic poverty.  The average person in Cambodia earns about $50-100 a month for an entire family.  This problem of poverty has led to huge problems in human trafficking, child exploitation, and serious health challenges.  This is one of the reasons that we have been working to build children’s homes, dig water wells, provide leadership training for pastors, and supplying food to those in need.  However, in spite of all the setbacks and difficulties, Cambodia is positioned for a great surge of revival and growth in the days ahead.

We ask that you join us in prayer over the next few months as we continue these village outreaches across Cambodia, and also as we prepare for our annual Christmas in Asia outreach this November.

The total cost for each village outreach is $3,000 and we are believing to reach as many people as possible during this time of crisis.  Now is our time to reach this country while people’s hearts are open, and they are desperately looking for hope.

We are grateful for our faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

June Update

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Dear Friends,

In the last three months our world has changed significantly due to the Covid-19 crisis, and many countries around the world are facing huge challenges economically and socially. These difficulties are especially hard on small children and elderly people in most of the third world and developing nations that we work in on a regular basis. However, it is in times like this that as followers of Jesus we must continue being the hands and the feet of Jesus to those in need. 

We have determined as a ministry to continue our support to those we work with, and we are also increasing projects in rural areas where children and families are suffering the most. We are currently supporting ministries and have ongoing projects in Myanmar, Mozambique, Cambodia, Thailand and India. Many of these ministry partners are on the front lines of this global crisis and are reaching the most vulnerable and impoverished people in each region.

During the month of March, we were able to complete sixteen new water wells in rural villages in Cambodia, and we are still on target to complete our 100th water well in Cambodia.

In the month of April, we started a Covid-19 village outreach project that distributed 2800 meals and supplies to over 400 families. These local villagers are struggling to find food during this Global Pandemic. One testimony we heard was from a Buddhist Government leader who said “Thank you very much for helping our people. We encouraged all our people to be grateful to Jesus and to the local Christian ministries who are blessing them.” In fact, our local pastor in Cambodia said, “Many people received the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus because of this outreach!”

For the month of May we conducted 10 more Covid-19 village outreach projects in Cambodia, and through these outreaches we were able to reach over 4,000 Buddhist people with food and supplies. At each of these outreaches there was a Gospel presentation and each person received prayer and had an opportunity to accept Jesus into their life. We are thankful for all of friends and partners who help make outreaches like these a reality.  It’s making an eternal difference!

We ask that you join us in prayer over these next few months as we are planning for 40 additional village outreaches across Cambodia to distribute food and supplies to those in need. In each of these villages there are an average of 400 people, so through your prayer and partnership we can reach 15,000- 20,000 people with meals and The Gospel!

During each of these outreaches our local teams are able to pray with each person and share a clear Gospel presentation to each family. The total cost for each village outreach is $3,000 and we are believing to reach as many people as possible over the next several months.

We thank God for faithful friends and partners who are helping us reach out around the world. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference! 

For the Harvest, 

Caleb & Sarah Wehrli

11th Annual Christmas in Asia – Update

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Dear Friends,

We just finished our 11th annual Christmas in Asia outreach, and we are grateful for all our friends and partners who continue to make this vision a reality!

It was wonderful to see the happy faces of boys and girls who received gifts, practical items, and also heard about the true meaning of Christmas! This holiday season we were able to purchase and distribute over 2,000 gifts to children in: IndiaMyanmarThailandBolivia, and Cambodia.

Throughout this year we have been able to help with several children’s home projects in India, Thailand, and Cambodia, and we currently have homes under construction in Mozambique and Myanmar. Our “Well of Life” water projects have been dug and completed in many rural areas of Cambodia, and by the end of 2019 we will have sponsored 52 wells in 52 weeks!

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all that has happened in the last few months, and we are looking forward to what God is going to do in the upcoming year. We pray these testimonies, and the pictures in this report are an encouragement to you. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together, we are making a difference!

In India, we partnered with a children’s home and school that we are supporting called Jesus Way ministries. We were able to provide new bedding for 300 of the children living in the home, 10 new computers for their school, new playground equipment, 100 new books for their library, and electrical upgrades and wiring for their entire facilityIt was such a joy to minister to these children and share the love of Christ in such a tangible way

In Thailand and Myanmar, we were able to celebrate Christmas with many of the kids who are living in homes that we have been able to help build over the last seven years with our friends at Life Impact. Through the generosity of our partners, we were able to distribute new pillows and sweaters to all of the children’s living in homes, as well as celebrate Christmas with the staff and team at Life Impact.

We also dedicated two new children’s homes in partnership with Victory Church in Tulsa. Each year we are encouraged by how these children are learning, growing, and walking into the Destiny that God has for their lives!

In Cambodia, we were able to distribute and purchase gifts for over 1,000 children living in extreme poverty in many of these rural villages throughout the country. Through the support of our Inspire partners we are able to continue supporting several children’s homes in Cambodia on a monthly basis. In a country that is predominantly Buddhist, we are helping bring the message of Christ in a practical way and introduce them to the One who created them!

Another project we have been working on in Cambodia is our “Well of Life” water projects where we committed to build 52 water wells in 52 villages by the end of 2019. In many of these villages this is the only source of clean water that they have, and it is a great tool for local pastors to demonstrate the love of God in a practical way. So far, 40 wells have been completed and 12 more will be sponsored by the end of the year. These pastors are using the natural water as a tool to evangelize, and then starting churches with those who are getting saved!

As we reflect back on this season, we realize that all of these outreaches would not be possible without the support and prayers of our generous friends and partners. Thank you for your generosity and for making an eternal difference this holiday season!

We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference! 

For the Harvest, 

Sarah Wehrli

Christmas in Asia ’19

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Dear Friend,

This year we are planning our eleventh Christmas outreach in Asia. During this holiday season, Christmas gifts will be distributed to children who are a part of many of our Hope for Children homes that we have built over the past 10 years, as well as distributed to children in rescue homes that we support on a regular basis. This outreach is a great way for us to share the love of Christ in a practical way and be a blessing to 2,000 children in India, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. Will you help us bring Christmas to Asia?

Each gift bag costs $10 and includes toys and practical items needed and requested by the children based on their living situation.

$10 supplies a gift bag for 1 child
$100 supplies gift bags for 10 children
$500 supplies gift bags for 50 children

Total budget needed: $20,000

(2,000 gifts at $10 each)

Gift bags for 2,000 Children

700 children in India
1,000 children in Cambodia
200 children in Thailand
100 children in Myanmar

Help us make a difference in the life of a child this holiday season! You can be a part by making a note in your giving that says, “Christmas in Asia.”


For the Harvest,

Sarah Wehrli

September ’19 Update

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Dear Friend,

God is moving by His Spirit all across the earth, and we wanted to send you a brief update of some recent ministry trips and new projects we have been working on this year.

During June and July I traveled to Peru and Argentina to minister at two different women’s conferences, and God moved in such amazing ways. In Iquitos Peru I was able to partner with our home church Victory, and we participated with the OneNation OneDay national outreach across the country. At the women’s conference we had over 500 women in attendance and over 50 responded to give their lives to Jesus.

In Argentina it was an honor to be with our friends Pastors Omar and Alejandra Cabrera for one of their annual women’s conferences and we had over 5,000 women in attendance. There was a powerful move of the spirit and 1,050 women came forward to receive Christ and many received healing in their bodies. It is always such a privilege to share the Gospel of Jesus and see people respond in faith.

Over the past few months we have been able to send funds to help with projects in Mozambique, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and India.

In Mozambique we have partnered with a longtime missionary who has an orphanage and a school in a remote region of the country, and we are helping to build a new girls home. This project will be completed by the end of 2019.

In Cambodia we are partnering with several churches and individuals to help dig 52 water wells in 52 weeks in remote villages. Currently there have been thirty wells finished, and more will be completed over the next four months. This is a great tool for the local pastors in each village to be a blessing to the people, and then share the message of Jesus with them. Each water well cost 2,000, and is a great tool for the local pastors in each village to be a blessing to the people and share the message of Jesus with them. If you would like to help build a water well designate “water well” with your donation.

We are also working with a missionary in India to help update an orphanage building and provide electricity for over 300 children on their property.

In the next few months we have upcoming projects in Myanmar, Cambodia, and India. We are grateful for your prayers and partnership with this ministry and pray God’s blessings in every area of your life. We realize we cannot do this alone, but together we are making a difference!

For the Harvest,

Sarah Wehrli

This Christmas we will be hosting our annual gift giveaway to over 2,000 children in homes we support in India, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. Each gift bag will cost $10 and you can make a note on your giving that says “Christmas in Asia” if you’d like to be a part.